Crafting digital experiences with WordPress wizardry.

We are a WordPress Focused Agency Breaking Boundaries

in WordPress Development.









How can we help you?


At our website development agency, we know that success is about more than just creating a pretty website. That’s why we specialize in building sites that are designed to drive results.

Website Development

If you’re looking for a custom WordPress website that is both visually stunning and highly functional, our WordPress website development services can help. We have a team of experienced developers who specialize in creating custom themes that are tailored to your unique business needs.

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Ecommerce Website Development

In today’s competitive online marketplace, having an eCommerce website that is both user-friendly and visually appealing is essential. Our eCommerce website development services are designed to help you create a seamless online shopping experience that drives conversions and maximizes revenue.

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Shopify to WordPress Migration

With our Shopify to WordPress development service, you can take advantage of the flexibility and customization options that WordPress has to offer, while still maintaining the backend functionality of your Shopify store. Our expert team can work with you to create a custom WordPress site that meets your unique business needs.

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WPZENZO focuses only on WordPress Platform. By specializing in WordPress development, we have developed deep expertise in the platform, including its features, capabilities, and best practices. This means we can offer you high-quality, custom solutions that leverage the full power of WordPress.

By focusing on just one platform, we have invested heavily in research and development, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies in the WordPress ecosystem. This can help us deliver innovative solutions that help you stay ahead of the curve.

Affordable Monthly WordPress Maintanence Packages

We provide monthly wordpress maintenance service at an affordable cost. Here’s Why you should outsource wordpress website maintenance.

Maintaining a website requires a certain level of technical expertise, including knowledge of programming languages, content management systems, and web hosting. Outsourcing to a company that specializes in website maintenance can ensure that the job is done by experts who have the skills and experience needed to keep the site running smoothly.

Maintaining a website can be time-consuming, particularly if your company does not have dedicated staff to handle the task. Outsourcing website maintenance allows you to focus on your core business activities.

Outsourcing website maintenance can be cost-effective, particularly if you are a small and medium-sized company without budget to hire a full-time website maintenance staff. By outsourcing to us you get the benefits of expertise and time savings without incurring the costs of hiring and training staff.

A well-maintained website is more likely to perform well, with faster load times, better user experience, and improved search engine rankings. By outsourcing website maintenance, you can ensure that your website is regularly updated, optimized, and secured against security threats, which can lead to better performance and increased traffic.

Testimonials from our happy customers

Our team has a proven track record of building high-performing websites that help businesses scale profitably. By leveraging the latest design and development strategies, we create sites that are not only visually stunning, but also optimized for user experience and conversion.

Rebello, Anit Promoters
From the bottom of the heart, Anit Promoters wishes to THANK the team for completing the given design project in time and designing to the perfection of our requirements.
Arun, Cholas Super Market
Sterday we where checking cholas App… very nice… good person you have… done very well, really found better than the competitor..
Omar, Windex
Very Professional and knowledgeable, have provided utmost time to the project and completed on time with regular update.

5 Star Rated WordPress Customer Support Service

Our customers are our top priority, and we’re proud to have a 5-star rating for our WordPress customer support. We understand that every customer is unique, with their own set of challenges and requirements. That’s why we’re dedicated to providing top-notch, personalized service that meets the individual needs of each and every client. Our team of expert support specialists are available on all business working days to provide personalized, attentive service, and to help our clients solve any issues that arise.

Frequently Asked Questions?

How do I know if my website has malware?

Some common signs of malware on a website include sudden increase in 404s, unusual pop-up ads, unexpected redirects, and the presence of unfamiliar files or code in the website’s backend.

Can I remove malware from my website myself?

While it is possible to attempt malware removal on your own, it is not recommended unless you have expertise in website security. DIY removal can be risky as it may not fully eliminate the malware and can lead to further issues. It is best to seek professional help from a trusted malware removal service like WPZENZO.

How does WPZENZO remove malware from my website?

WPZENZO follows a comprehensive process to remove malware, which includes a thorough scan of your website to identify all malicious code and files. Our experts then manually clean the infected files and databases to ensure complete removal. We also implement security measures to prevent future attacks.

How long does the malware removal process take?

The duration of the malware removal process depends on the severity of the infection and the complexity of your website. In most cases, we aim to complete the process within 24-48 hours, but it may take longer for more complex cases.

What security measures does WPZENZO implement to prevent future malware attacks?

As part of our malware removal service, we harden your website’s security by implementing firewalls, regular security scans, and updating plugins and themes to their latest versions. We also offer ongoing monitoring and maintenance plans to ensure your website remains secure.

Does WPZENZO offer a guarantee for malware removal?

Yes, we are confident in our expertise and methods. We offer a guarantee that if any malware returns within 2 months after our service, we will remove it again at no additional cost.

How can I get started with WPZENZO malware removal service?

Yes, we are confident in our expertise and methods. We offer a guarantee that if any malware returns within 2 months after our service, we will remove it again at no additional cost.